Tori Amos: Doughnut Song
The real lyrics were:
You told me last night you were a sun now.
But I misheard them as:
You told me last night you were Han Solo.
kaos udklækker siden 85
Følgende reklametekst er kidnappet fra projektets myspace side:
The last official ** Projektør reading of the season will be on the 28/11-06. The featured readers will be Mette Moestrup, Nicolaj Stochholm, Stine Linnemann and Dy Plambech. Perhaps even Adda Djørup. Does that seem like too much? It is!
The roles are set: Mette Moestrup, who has just published the sprawling poetry collection Kingsize, will be queen narrator, Nicolaj Stochholm is just ever en vogue, Stine Linnemann is the up-and-comer with the low down on dirt and dizzy and Dy Plambeck the refined, secret storyteller. It will be the last of the great nights.
The project will send two delegates to the mic this night, and it will be whomever can find his txts quickly enough to sound reasonable.
I just bought a village in Africa
• The Hornsleth Village is an art project.Alexei would only consent to return on his father solemnly swearing, that if he came back he should not be punished in the least, but cherished as a son and allowed to live quietly on his estates and marry Afrosina. On 31 January 1718 the tsarevich reached Moscow. Peter had already determined to institute a most searching inquisition in order to get at the bottom of the mystery of the flight. On 18 February a "confession" was extorted from Alexei which implicated most of his friends, and he then publicly renounced the succession to the throne in favour of the baby grand-duke Peter Petrovich. A horrible reign of terror ensued, in the course of which the ex-tsaritsa Eudoxia was dragged from her monastery and publicly tried for alleged adultery, while all who had in any way befriended Alexei were impaled, broken on the wheel and otherwise lingeringly done to death. All this was done to terrorize the reactionaries and isolate the tsarevich.
In April 1718 fresh confessions were extorted from Alexei. Even now there were no actual facts to go upon. The worst that could be brought against him was that he had wished his father's death. In the eyes of Peter, his son was now a self-convicted and most dangerous traitor, whose life was forfeit. But there was no getting over the fact that his father had sworn to pardon him and let him live in peace if he returned to Russia. The whole matter was solemnly submitted to a grand council of prelates, senators, ministers and other dignitaries on 13 June 1718. The clergy left the matter to the tsar's own decision. The temporal dignitaries declared the evidence to be insufficient and suggested that Alexei should be examined by torture.
Accordingly, on 19 June, the weak and ailing tsarevich received twenty-five strokes with the knout, and on the 24th - fifteen more. It was hardly possible that he could survive such treatment. On 26 June, Alexei died in the Petropavlovskaya fortress in Saint Petersburg, two days after the senate had condemned him to death for conspiring rebellion against his father, and for hoping for the cooperation of the common people and the armed intervention of his brother-in-law, the emperor. Some historians believe that Alexei actually died of strangulation by one of Peter's servants.
hvorfor skal vi altid have sækken med
den du fylder med stumper revet ud af dit hjerte
det er sket men det bliver aldrig overstået
man kan ikke plante i frost
det er derfor man aldrig ser dig danse
eller grine med munden åben
for dig vil havet altid virke fristende
fordi det truer med at trække dig med ud
jeg ville ønske jeg kunne
tøjre dig til bredden
st%v hukommelsen smuldrer |
Katten kravler med mig rundt på gulvet
leger jeg græder spinder jeg fryser
Jeg har satset min sidste cigaret
fordi min lighter nu kun kan hvæse
jeg dryssede min sidste tændsten væk
for at vise tricks, igen, i nat
Katten ligger i min kuffert og brummer
leger jeg græder spinder jeg fryser